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A very very very fucked up name. who wants to be a color

Grey A very very very fucked up name. who wants to be a color

by Halozone75 May 13, 2021


Greys is the alien on oikawa’s shirt captioned ‘greys

oikawa is a character form haikyuu or haikyu!!

That’s why your friend has been obsessed about talking about volleyball, greys/aliens and their favorite character, tooru oikawa

Lol also gray/grey from fairy tail

I want oikawa’s greys shirt so I can cosplay him

by Gaybies September 22, 2019


Grey/Grey ting is used to describe the Caucasian females of the uk in most cases london city these are more times not very wanted however odd ones can offer significant nyash and or other features that may woo you

Boy 1 “ look at that ting over there “
Boy 2 “na it’s a grey ting dead that
Boy 1 “na g she’s got back imma go grab her snap”

by Papa S August 9, 2022


The most gorgeous human alive, and an amazing beloved being! If your name is Grey, you’re very attractive!

"Grey is over there!"

"Omg they’re so gorgeous, hot and sexy!"

by Luneltty May 29, 2022


A grey is a WHITE person

It is not a slur. It is slang for describing someone of caucus descent. Greys are usually meady, racist, jarring and unfunny and are members of EDL.

“Look at them white gyals tryna whine”
“Them greytings piss me off wallah”

“Why dese yutes from Essex tryna give me chat bro”
“Mumsss fam anyting grey get bun”

Roadman 1: Ay A2 are you going to Kim’s AP?”
A2: “ yhhh broski I’m there stylll
Grey boy 1: “can I come fatties?”
A2 and Roadman : “ARE U MAD u degenerate grey. Don’t make us get round dere and put u in a swift headlock. Remember your place as a mayo monkey discharge grey that will never be rated because you turn red when you’re hot. Only speak when spoken to you’re not that guy. Kill yourself”

by Missy5 April 8, 2022


Grey is the coolest ass person ever. Insanely hot, caring and funny, go 1 cm close to and your in love. If you meet a boy named grey please get to know them, you wont regret it.

Person 1: Woah, did you see that person over there named Grey?? They make the coolest art ever
Person 2: Sheeeeeshhhhh, gray can absolutely get it.

by hot fucker 2249729840 June 16, 2021


Some who cares deeply about you and has the most immaculate sense of humor, they're always there not only to lend a hand but a shoulder too, they are always the type of people who fill you up with such love affection, and care and are by far the most incredible and talented people to ever come across, also their name sounds just as hot as they look. :000

'Will you go out with me?'
'Grey is such a lovely person'

by FRUITTHEIF November 22, 2021