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you guys

To call group of people...used both for male or female.

Do you guys have a book ??

by Nguyen Khoi Nguyen August 21, 2006

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Fall Guy

A person that takes all the blame for something when it goes wrong

Henry is our fall guy

by GiovanniRomero February 20, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Not gay guy

A man who is CLEARLY homosexual, but won't come out of the closet

"dude, you're so gay"
"I AM NOT*voice cracks* GAY!!"

"ok!ok!" *mumbles* not gay guy...

by datenshi09 November 2, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

tech guy

in a typical adventuring team, the person in charge of equipment maintenance and modification.

tech guy: I added a few features...

by Spaz De Kat December 8, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guy Cecil

1. a character from Tales of the abyss who is so gynophobic he can't even touch them, and wears ridiculously tight pants, and yet is not gay.

2. someone who is "not gay" but everyone else knows that he is.

1. Uh oh, it looks like Guy Cecil is here, better hide the girls before he freaks the fuck out.

2. I'll support him whatever lifestyle he chooses to lead, but I wish he'd stop being such a Guy Cecil and just admit he's gay.

by Kakuchan June 7, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


When two males proceed to dance together within one foot apart in a desperate attempt to attract females around them.

Joe and John were getting shut down by girls all night because they were so drunk and Guy-rinding all over each other to every song.

by IPADeux January 7, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

preppy guy

A Preppy Guy, is not you normal, walk in the mall guy, he usual, is rocking designer clothing and materialistic items, from Gucci Belts to Polo Hats, it depends on the occasion, bright colors (consisting of yellow shirts, about 3 or more, different brands from polo, to Lacoste) the usual madras shorts (from brooks brothers, Jcrew, McLaughlin, and the obvious choice Ralph Lauren) Preppy guy's do not wear fakes, because they are not fakes, they are the model kid from the model family in the model school, they show a high class sophisticated life, at such a very young age, they are way more mature looking and acting, then normal kid's there age. They do not attend "Public School", (unless it is a catholic reform school which is pushing it), They go to Private/Boarding Schools, playing Golf, Lacrosse, Tennis, Soccer, Croquet, and more... Depending on the Prep, they range from, Casual-Prep all the way to Formal-Prep, They usually have vacation homes, on the Lake, or on the beach, Martha's Vineyard, Hyannis Port, Lake George, Lake Tahoe, Newport, and most preps dad's have out of country estates, well only the Super-Preps, the leader, possibly a roman villa, or an inspired Greek terrace in the French Rivera. Life is good for Prep guys, driving in there old dad's cars, or there new bought S.U.V. from the grandparents, You can tell a fake Prep by the type of car as well, Acura's=Fake, Mercedes-Benz=Real, Honda=Fake, B.M.W.=Real, now if your wondering, what about Jeep? Depends on the year, and make, please use your knowledge of PREPISM (Prep Back round) to distinguish, these outlaws. By the way, true party preps, usually pass school with Cโ€™s and go to high business colleges, like Babson, Bentley, or Wharton, after all, if they are true preps, their legacy.

A preppy Guy just played frisbee, with his dog on the Nantucket beach.

by MasterPrep May 31, 2006

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