they want to zig-a-zig-a-zig ahhhhhhhh... get it? that's slidinnn .. thats the bed rockin zigazigazigazigahhhh
I really really really wanna zigazig ahhhh
it means that you think someone is caring it and you say it to someone that is being caring.
boy: i bought you flowers
girls: ah kdmh
Another word for a fart.
Based from a scene of the movie, 'Foodfight' where one of the characters says this word before they jump up and fart in the villain's face.
Person 1: "Ew, did you just Ah Shutless?"
Person 2: "No, Maybe."
monkey: ooh ooh ah ah
monkey 2: ooh ooh ah ah ooh ooh ah ah ah ooh ah ooh ooh, ooh ooh ah ooh, ah ooh