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bitch bagging

When a women places a bag(s) next to them on a subway, bench, ect. So no one can sit next to them.

Do you see that lady in the subway? She was bitch bagging.

by TheMightyHelios January 17, 2017

29๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

poo bag

1. A small bag filled with poo. Often carried around by dog owners when out walking.
Poo is picked up in the bag and discarded.

2. A term use at random intervals in the day to make people laugh.

1. Darn Margret, Where is my poo bag?

2. Hey, Poo Bag

by I do not have a name September 28, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grab bag

A girl wearing large and/or baggy clothing making it difficult to tell what kind of body she has underneath.

That chick is always wearing sweatshirts and Jnco's, what a grab bag.

by maceow September 18, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a girl lays on her back with her mouth wide open and you drop your balls in her mouth.

You'll never believe what I did to that girl from the club last night...I tea-bagged her!!!

by Mike July 3, 2003

784๐Ÿ‘ 240๐Ÿ‘Ž

throw it in the bag

1) When you make so much money you take your girl out shopping and tell her to just throw it in the bag (she doesn't have to ask if he will buy it, or care about the actual cost.)

see Money aint a thing.

a girl u wank to: babe don't I look good in this gucci jeans
myself: *gets off cell, say what? just throw it in the bag~!

by bl1ng July 29, 2009

187๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grocery Bag

When something during a conversation doesnt make sense, you randomly say grocery bag.
From the song bedrock

i see me with her
no stevie wonder
she wont ever wonder
cause she knows she bad
and i gotta nigga
grocery bag

by Thisoneasiankid January 3, 2010

580๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chain Bag

Chain bag (cheyn-bag) a douche bag, chain sporting tool who thinks he is better than everyone else, when in fact is the biggest fag in the bar. Easily spotted by wearing Gotti hair, popped collars and of course, fake gold chains. Often found along side skank bags and bitch bags in your regularly visited bar

"That guy thinks he is god's gift to woman"

"Yeah, someone should really tell him he is just another chain bag"

by Dreamgirlie May 18, 2009