When the cheese crusts over pasta using the cheese as a device to bring together as much pasta as possible to use as a utensil for ones feeding.
Emma: Murphy what is that?
Murphy: It's a cheese fork.
Someone you don't like but don't know
check out this guys facebook... yeah what a breada cheese
When you stop at a light and woah, hold on a second, its the dober bros, so you whip out some cheese singles and fling them at their expensive car that they got from their videos exploiting and doing stupid faked challenges.
Person in car- "Hey are you the dobre brothers?"
Dobre bros- "Ya"
(does cheese launch and whips cheese at the side of their car)
Patches of hot oil residue in your food that you normally end up scolding your mouth with. Usually found in cheese based pastas and lasagnes.
"Ahh shit! I just wrecked my tongue on satan's cheese! That's the last time I eat macaroni before it's cooled down!"
An accumulation of wrist fat - giving the appearance of a thick but squishy tree stump like wrist and forearm, found particularly in old women with hypertension and chunky babies
"Man that clare and her nanna have proper cheese wrists, would not like a thump from her"
The act of young urban youths taking dollar bills in a gentlemen's establishment and showering them around the performer. Also known as making it rain.
Yeah I was big pimpin' last night, spinning cheese.
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A cheese bus is slang for a cheese colored school bus.
I took the cheese bus to school. I sniffed wite out(methylcyclohexane) on the way to high school. Get it? High school? Because of getting high from wite out.
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