A conversation of speaking of words of hypothetical or imaginative descriptive scenarios
Lucy: "What would you do if I grew a pair of wings and flew but flew into a street lamp?"
Johnny boy: "I would laugh with my homies."
This is hypothetical speaking imagination conversation
People that consistently sit close to conversations but refuse to let the conversation flow down the table. For instance you have to lean into the middle of the table to talk.
Wow I can't talk to Jack because Kevin Murray is a giant conversation blocker.
Me: guys is it online or onsite tomorrow?
Classmate: Onsite
Best Friend: Happy New Year (even tho its April)
Homie: what
Me: huh
(average class groupchat conversation)
When someone converts another person to their way of political ideology, not through persuasion, but through offering bumming.
- Hey Bri how's it going with that hot copper?
- I suspect he might be a Tory so it may be time to prepare the Conversion Anus
You didn't want to be equal! You wanted to be authoritative wisdom guy that eveyone has to respect and listen to!
Hym "A conversation between equals... That's not an allusion to me, is it? Because, like, I don't consider you equal, therefore, you're justified in excluding me? Because you didn't think we were equal, initially. You though I was incompetent incel schizoid and that you were extra-special competent prophet. AND NOW THAT IT CLEAR THAT EQUALITY ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE BETWEEN ME AND ANYONE ELSE... NOW... You care about EQUALITY. You were just saying incels were weasels and reprehensible. And then Piers Morgan called them deplorable and you did a complete 180⁰. And said we shouldn't be piling on. And NOW... That I DON'T THINK YOU... Are equal... Well now MY POSITION ON EQUALITY is (somehow) the problem. NOT BACK WHEN YOU WERE ARGUABLY THE BETTER ONE... Now that it's ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY clear who the better one is.... NOW I NEED TO START CONSIDERING PEOPLE MY EQUALS... But only NOW... After I created A.I. after years of being mocked, harassed, and shamed.... Now we're equal... That's what you want from me now?"
That one annoying asshole who no one talks to and just jumps into conversations that they weren’t involved in not to mention no one was talking to them and they do this because they’re lonely as fuck
John: "So, Sarah, what do you think about going hiking this weekend?"
Sarah: "I'm all for it! The weather should be perfect."
Mark: "Hey, guys, have you ever tried rock climbing? I hear it's a great workout!"
John: *whispers to Sarah* "Looks like we've got a conversation jumper on our hands."
Sarah: *nods* "Yeah, it seems like Mark just can't resist jumping into our conversations."
the most terrible candy imaginable.
Someone: Did you get any candy from your valentine?
Someone else: I got conversation hearts.
Someone: Aww dude I am sorry. Those things are a terrible, stale, chalk-like excuse for candy.