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House Cracker

A White American (usually liberal) that goes out of their way to apologize for slavery and being white. Constantly reminds others whites how bad they are, while thinking it gives them moral superiority. Stupid enough to believe white privilege is real. Will throw other white people under the bus to look cool in-front of people of color. To bad people of color just think their weak.

Did you know that Steve let Tyrell put a chain around his neck and lead him around to apologize for slavery. Man Steve is such a house cracker.

by DanTheMan543 July 19, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

cracker packin

A term used for loading up a car with a large amount of white people, not always used in a derogatory way.

How'd you get nine people into that Mustang?
We cracker packed it.

by Nicole November 7, 2004

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yahoo cracker

A tool used by hackers to steal yahoo chat accounts by sending multiple passwords to a yahoo login server on a specified name until you are granted access.

Do you have a working yahoo cracker?

by Electrical-Sh0ck March 22, 2004

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Ritz Cracker

White trash who stay at nice hotels, usually ruining a good time for anyone else staying there.

"Oh crap... here comes a rusty minivan with five kids and a basset hound, must be more ritz crackers."

by bucksfan89 July 13, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

bowl cracker

A shit so heavy and dense that upon expulsion it cracks the toilet bowl.

"Frank, you need a new shitter."
"I just dropped a bowl cracker and its leaking now."

by Tirak'nor December 1, 2004

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When somebody peeks down a girls shirt at her breasts, its like a little boy opening a box of cracker jacks to find the surprise at the bottom of the box.

Did you notice Alex was cracker-jacking Betsy at lunch today?

by FrYivYdiNO March 12, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

cracker barrel

where me and my boy Hudson get crazy shit from chicken fried chicken

me: hey dude, you wanna go get chicken fried chicken?
Hudson: yeah bro, im boutta get barrelled tonight at cracker barrel

by noelmillerspoop January 22, 2021