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A word used to describe something that is creepy, or makes u feel unsafe.

That dude down the street is creep.

by CowboyJak December 6, 2024


Adam buying Hannah flowers

Adam is a little sneaky creep for buying hannah flowers 😂😂😂😂

by Danp June 15, 2022


Someone who goes out of their way to be sure to be cruel, rude, demonic, irritating, irresponsible etc. just because they can, or just to be mean to someone who doesn’t deserve it!

“That creep just won’t leave me alone!”

“They didn’t have to do that they’re such a creep!”

“That creep just doesn’t know when to stop!”

“Why are they being so mean? I didn’t do anything to them!”

“I was correcting them on something evil they doing and they flipped it on me, lying and making me look bad, they’re such a creep! “

by :}{: February 23, 2022



Liam is a huge fucking creep

by Madds_05 November 5, 2018


That nigga

Creep who says he won't wash his fruit cuz a girl touched his pears.

by SorryCashier November 14, 2023


In video games (mostly The Binding of Isaac, but some others) creep refers to a damage-dealing liquid on the ground. May deal damage to players, enemies, or both.

Upon taking damage, the item causes you to leave a trail of red creep behind you which deals 6 damage per second to enemies.

by Caustic_ July 21, 2021


Barthosz. A person called Barthosz, touches kids and HARDCORE female gamers with HIGH ELO. A total creep that deserves to be locked up with any member of the OBCD klan.

Stay away from him.

Barthosz: Can I have your instagram?
You: No
You: No
Barthosz: Will you marry me? x
You: No
Barthosz: Kiss me goodnite x
You: help
You to an Agent: what a creep Barthosz is!

by Buncha June 4, 2019