To pull out of a commitment at the latest possible opportunity, often to the severe detriment of other parties involved.
Person 1: "Dude, can I have a kidney?"
Person 2: "Sure"
On operating table:
Person 2:"Lol jk, no kidney for you"
Person 1: "You're Doing a Mace! Noooo"*Dies*
When you get so angry at someone you end up spitting on their child.
Friend 1 - Did you see Jamie at the weekend?
Friend 2 - No, what happened?
Friend 1 - Some guy was giving him jip and he ended up doing a carragher
To be caught in a series of actions that repeat and one cannot resolve. From computer programming languages like FORTRAN. Similar to infinite loop and vicious circle .
That song is a boring do loop - the same three chords for the chorus keep repeating with no bridge and no ending.
Doing a harold comes from Harold Holt, australian politician, went missing after swimming in Victoria
"Looks like yer mates doing a harold."
(leaving a party early)
to smoke a joint, or hand-rolled marijuana cigarette, usually shared between two or more people
Person: Care to do a bone?
Friend: Why, yes, most certainly
An extended and more emphatic use of the expression "don't go there". An urgent appeal to not follow a line of reasoning to its ultimate conclusion for fear that the conclusion will be offensive, unpleasant, or generally objectionable. The ultimate emphatic use would be "Do. Not. Go. There." with breathless pauses between each word. In general, a dire warning that grave consequences will follow from "going there".
A: "So, the two of them had a one-night stand and she forgot to take her birth control pill..."
B: <interjecting> Don't go there.
A: "...and, wouldn't you know it, nine months later..."
B: <more urgently> Do not go there!
A: "...yup, that's right...presto, instant teenage mother."
B: Damn. You went there.
An Awesome Ska Band From Angola, New York.
Person 1: "Is Do It With Malice any good?"
Person 2: "Fuck yeah they are."
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