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Stacey fact

Go ongoogle it!

Stacey fact - a crow has an 8 inch ball sack

by Emilemineminem August 30, 2022

alternative facts

A term that REALLY just fucking means lies, but thanks to postmodernism, we're not allowed to call them that anymore, because everyone's viewpoint is equally valid, there is no such thing as a false narrative, and everyone is entitled to their own personal reality.

You say the sun is made of hydrogen and helium, I say it's made of whale farts and silly string! Those are my alternative facts! Nobody is right or wrong, there is no such thing as objectivity, we have to respect everyone's viewpoint!

by q359 July 25, 2023


The best most entertaining way to get yourself fucked. It is the most entertaining drinking game you'll find out there. It is kinda in the name it will defo get you fucked either by the dares that will ruin your life/ relationship or by drinking way too much.

Man FACT OR F**KED is the shit we literally all ended up on the floor. Best thing we saw was Jake's mum's reaction walking in while Jesse and Craig were doing the 69 hickeys.

by dddaddyyy January 24, 2023

Facts no hizzle

To have something be true without an ounce of bullshit

Look up Alabama Hotpocket
“That was gross, facts no hizzle

by Alabamahotpocketlovee March 23, 2022

Block Facts

A Pretty Good Youtuber But Not Better Then DuckPlayLikeGod

Block Facts Is A Good Youtube

by DuckPLayLikeGod November 30, 2021


A politicized rendetion of truth according to the whims of a corporate monied establishment that creates its own truth and reality to impose what is false as Truth on the masses in support of their interests

too many Politi-fact checks could get you cancelled

by SnowHotep January 31, 2022

duh fact

when something is so obvious, if you say it someone will for sure respond with a "duh!"

stating the obvious aspects of a comment, trying to look self assured.

"after avoiding a friend of mine for weeks, she came out and asked me if i was avoiding her because i didn't like her...well, do i have to explain every duh fact in the universe?"

by F_j August 20, 2011