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Christmas Afternoon Funk

The feeling one gets during the afternoon and evening hours of Christmas Day. The gifts have been unwrapped, the cousins, uncles and in-laws have all gone home, and leftovers fill the fridge. The holiday festivities, so heavily anticipated, are now over, leaving an empty feeling inside.

After the family had opened Christmas gifts, and all the relatives had gone home, the family felt the Christmas Afternoon Funk begin to creep in. Christmas Holidays

by d_leet December 26, 2016

Jonah Funk

Leader having more than enough skill at basketball with a longs dick and slender man arms. A true handsome man who pulls women and owns other towns.

Hey, you’re so rad, you’re the Jonah Funk of this gym!

by Epg>Fhs March 20, 2023


The morning after smoking ganjaganja where one feels groggy and tired

I was so funked at brunch the other day I felt like puking.

by TERD SNIFFER December 10, 2017

Dab Me Funk

Dab Me Funk is a shitpost mod for Friday Night Funkin'

Try Dab Me Funk

The Mod is called Dab Me Funk

by CumInfo January 22, 2022

Junk Funk

Taking a part roaches to make a bussa.

Roll dis Junk Funk real quick we boutta get smacked on dead dawgs

by Junk Funk May 17, 2021

The Farrelly Funk

When a family has a scent that’s so strong that it can not be explained by conventional science.

Dr Fauci this week had to explain the disturbing smell emanating from Short Hills New Jersey. It could only be explained as the Farrelly Funk! -2007

by Innocent bystander 01 November 28, 2021

confusion funk

Playing at least 10 songs from different genres at the same time

Just siting here vibing to some confusion funk

by Toritheforehead February 14, 2021