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hitlers gooch

The jew hating gooch of hitler the nazi dictator.

Go lick hitlers gooch

by Hitlers gooch January 29, 2016


I am Adolf Hitler! Commander of the Third Reich.
Little known fact; Also Dope On The Mic.
You are Vader, with your little boots and cape
And that helmet to cover up that burnt ass face.

Other than his sick ass bars,

Hitler was an asshole, mofo fr killed Jews and shit dumbass weak ass motherfucker got beat by Russia and killed himself, weak ass nigga.

Quandilly Billy Hunter Scott Micheal Lantrop Steven Hunter Walker Jr the III : "Adolf Hitler was an asshole"
Timothy : " Yes, Quandilly Billy Hunter Scott Micheal Lantrop Steven Hunter Walker Jr the III, He was."

by PissMaster420 February 9, 2023

Hyphen hitler

The grammar nazi of all grammar nazis. Will never let one typo or mispelling get away from humiliation and execution. The leader of all grammar nazis. The master of the grammar race

My budy isnt a grammar nazi. He's hyphen hitler. He hunts down missing commas and typos like jews in 1943. One slip of the finger and hes got the typo gestapo all over you.

by Bigfacevinny November 6, 2019

Hitler was the imposter

Hitler had Jewish people in his family tree, and he mainly targeted Jews, so Hitler was clearly the imposter.

Person A: It was so obvious that Hitler was the imposter
Person B: Why didn't they vote him out
Person A: Because they were teaming

by fuckleknuckler January 27, 2022

hitler hogtie

When you’re straddling your partner on top with both legs, holding down their arms and shoot a load on their upper lip.

Becky: He was fucking me in missionary and just before he came he jump on top of me, pinned my arms to my side, and shot his load on my upper lip!

Karen: You got a hitler hogtie, girl!

by Definitely not an adult April 15, 2023

Management Hitler

Management Hitler (noun): someone with alot of charisma who takes over a project with big ambitions and plans but has literally no skill whatsoever, ends up being a total ass, and can't get anything right despite being told what to do.

Example: "fucking XX came in today and was a total management hitler, now we are pushing the development instead of giving users what they want"

by Lasz December 30, 2016

dripping hitler

A sexual act of ejaculation above someone's upper lip as the semen drips down both sides to form a resemblance of a Hitler mustache

John: What did you last night ?
Dave: I met this hot bitch and did the dripping hitler on her
John: Dude that's awesome !

by mocoboriuca October 17, 2011