Air Bed and Dick. How to refer to the living space of a one night stand or tinder hookup that you will only be at for the evening. Typically has an early check out.
Dude - I just puked but nothing came out. What the fuck was that?
Bro - Air Puke? That's bitchin'
A person with multiple diet restrictions, such gluten intolerance, nut allergies, poor methylation, lactose intolerance, etc., or who have adopted severely restricted diets, such as the Whole 30, the Keto Diet, the Paleo Diet, locavore diet, or other prescriptive eating plans. Origin: "Air ferns" are dead and dried hydrozoans that were popularized in the 1970s as low-maintenance house plants that required no food or water, only air.
It's impossible to plan a holiday dinner with all of the air ferns in my family; I can't cook a single dish that everyone can eat.
Friend 1: bruh. It smells like poo in here.
Friend 2: it should, I just laid an air deuce.
Once a futuristic fantasy, soon a fairy tale of the magical past.
"Once upon a time, in the olden days, people would get into a metal tube, which would rise up in the sky, and when they got out of it, a little while later, they were in a completely different part of the world."
Yes, sweetheart, it's really true. It was called "air travel". Now, as soon as Daddy closes your door, take off your mask, close your eyes, and have sweet dreams.
A person who takes more air than they are worth.
Step up and do your job!! Do not be an air burglar!!
When someones fart is so strong you literally believe there has to be shit particles in the air
Her fart was so potent, she must have Shit the Air.