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What makes us feel love? The human brain is so profound; I don’t believe we will ever have all the answers to it. But it seems like the kind of question that can be answered so simply and yet as advanced as we are we still stumble with the question of love. Maybe there really is no such thing. It’s a definite possibility that it can just be a mixture of passion and infatuation. But then why does it always feel like more then that?

You hate love, you want nothing to do with it… but at the same time you demand it… it’s a feeling that can only be barely described with words. You hate it because it can lead to heartbreak, but you love it because you feel like you finally have a person that understands you, someone to be there, and the feeling you get from just starring into the eyes of someone you love is enough to make you want to throw away everything for this person.

To me, love is an addictive drug; it’s almost a need rather than a want, which is ridiculous because you don’t need love to survive. But if that’s true then why is it so hard to live without it? As the saying goes, Tis better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. But if we never experience it then we would never know what we’re missing, which may be a positive thing in a great many cases.

"Passion, respect, euphoria, and indoctrination is what we feel we when we feel love"


by Sab3r October 15, 2008

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When you don't want to go to sleep, because reality is better than a dream.

Tonight I'm gonna give you all my love in the back seat.

by eM b January 19, 2007

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is an obscene obsession over another person, where ur whole world revolves round them and you would do anything for them. is also another word for insane because after the relationship ends, ur obsession still stands and u cant stop thinkin bowt them, so the other person gets a court order and the obsessed person is labelled as insane and is given no protection or healthcare due to his insanity. how much have i warped the word love

he should b commited
why, he's in love
no he's insane, he needs to be commited

by cuse18 May 8, 2007

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Love, whether you have it or don't haveit hurts like crazy. When your with them your so happy but feel sick insude from the butterflies and rush of emotion taking over you. When you're away from them you feel sick cause you miss them even though they just left. It's the best and the worst feeling in the world mixed togetherand once it's gone, you don't know what to do with yourself but to look for love again. It's something we're all searching for in life, love is happiness and love is life. It's like, when you're with him, you don't want to blink because he'll be out of your sight for a second. You can't look away from his eyes and as soon as he cracks a smile, your whole face lights up aswell.It's where you see ast their imperfections, not even because you choose to but because you are so in love ith them that you dont notice them. It's where you would do anything for them for their approval or to make their life better. You put their life before your own. Love is indescribable, this could go on forever, because no number of words is sufficient enough to describe love.

Boy: I love you and if i had to go through the rest of my life with only one person by my side, my only choice would be you.
Girl: I love you too, never want to be with anyone else.

by ilovehim.____(L) February 16, 2009

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A word used by guys to get into a girls pants.

Jack: "Sally, I love you"
Sally: "I love you too"
Jack: "Let's go to my room"
Sally: "Let's."

by zacb April 27, 2008

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Love is just unexplainable to someone else, but you know what it is. Love is the force that we thrive from. Many people deny love, they deny feelings. I know that they do, I have and currently am experiencing it. You know when you are in love.

Common symptoms of Love.

1) Complete caring for another.

2) Being protective, but allowing a free choice.

3) Thinking of them non-stop.

4)Thinking of what you will do the next time you see them, whether it is kissing them, hugging them, but most of all, just smiling.

by Donald Duck March 29, 2006

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Love never gives up. Love cares more for others tahn for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, dlesn't have swelled head, doesn't force itself on others, isn't always "me first," doesn't fly off the handle, doesn't keep score of the sins of others, doesn't revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end. Love never dies.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (The Message Bible)

Love is stronger than any substance.

by King's Daughter June 20, 2005

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