"Da ladna" means "really" in russian, but has more meanings other than that.
Friend 1: I got a PS5!
Friend 2: Da ladna?
A sexual position performed by a guy named Wash that have women going crazy but it is scientifically proven to drive women into a unstable mental and emotional state if they can no longer get “da plunger”
She keeps calling my phone asking to get hit with da plunger
The tip of a black person's penis.
Nig 1:Ay, Athena look!
Girl 1:Ewwwww!
Nig 1:Da Tip
The best team every assembled in 2004 which had Prior, Wood, Randle, Beckett, and The Big Z. Best team ever assembled no lies
Da cubs were the shit and should have beaten the Yankies
Main Entry: strang·er
Pronunciation: da \ˈstrān-jər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estrangier stranger, foreigner, from estrange
Date: 14th century
1 : one who is strange: as a (1) : foreigner (2) : a resident alien b : one in the house of another as a guest, visitor, or intruder c : a person or thing that is unknown or with whom one is unacquainted d : one who does not belong to or is kept from the activities of a group e : one not privy or party to an act, contract, or title : one that interferes without right
Da Stranger is has a style that is foreign, alien if you like.
Just darn different. New. I love that kind of music.
When people hold this up it means they have absolute horse shlong
Dang Brogan is holding up da fours he must have a horse shlong