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Dad for One

A popular My Hero Academia fanfiction trope where All for One is Midoriya Izuku's father

"I love Dad for One fics" "Got any Dad for One fic recs?"

by CoffeeNOrder66 April 4, 2023

one please

Used as an exclamation of approval.

Can be used in a variety of contexts including, but not limited to:
- when you see something you wanna eat
- when you see someone with whom you want to have penetration
- when you see an outfit/shoes that your wardrobe cannot survive without

Choice uses include exclaiming the phrase when looking at a dessert menu implying you want to eat everything on the dessert menu.

Once you establish a reputation for using the phrase among your peer group, you can start using alternative numerical values, for example, "two please" when you see an incredibly attractive pair of Brazilian identical twin brothers.

(Nick and Dave walk into a bar and are greeted by an underwear model)
Dave: one please!

by Interjekt September 8, 2015

A fat one

A fat blunt or joint

Let’s smoke a fat one

by Scbestie January 13, 2019

the silent one

A person who is somewhat quiet and speaks when they feel like it or need to. They are not much of a introvert or extrovert but they are very calm or Mellow and yet they are very successful.


¨ Youŕe a person who does not feel that they are too out there in the crowd nor do you feel too lonely or shy. so you are the Silent One ¨

by -01 March 6, 2018

school one

when a social media user types "school one" in the caption of the picture of there self wearing school clothes.

Janet: yo bro did you see Davids new school one?
Ciaran: Yeah man it was fantastic

by TheMelonnn December 7, 2016

zero to one

An act of creation that is singular and results in something fresh and strange.

A: Paypal succeeded in bringing together email and money.
B: "Zero to One!"

by Heisenberg01 February 5, 2015

one gorilla

One gorilla can be used interchangeably with on God.

Steve-"you promise you are going to come to my party tomorrow"
Fred-"I promise, one gorilla"

by S73v34l1f3 May 26, 2023