Source Code

chicken wing

n. a move in hacky sack that involves hacking off the side of your shoe, which requires twisting your leg around in a way that resembles something that you might find in a KFC box.

v. to hack off the side of your shoe

n. Nice chicken wing, Bubba!

v. Bubba really chicken winged that one.

by Chuck from Maine December 23, 2004

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Chicken Wing

A typical rundown milf found in south Florida that will help troubled teens with assistance of money, loaning of cars/SUV's, and is also a gateway to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The so called chicken wing will also have a house for the troubled teens to party and destroy.

Founders ~ Vitaly Zdorovetskiy, Andy Moss, Brendan Moss, Mike Bell, Jared Youngerman, Christopher Ferrell
CO. Associates ~ Seth, Eric, John, Cody, Nigel, Brandon, Marc, Kevin, Anto, Robert
Chicken Wing

by poopfartjohnchickenwing May 23, 2011

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cunt with wings

A bee (insect).

I just got stung by a cunt with wings.

by Tiddyjuicer666 May 11, 2017

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Hot Wings

A really tall girl like big bird, who's on fire.

Have you seen Emily she's hot wings!

by Wang Out March 1, 2010

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Wing Out

used boy rude boys.. meaning wing out, leg it. run away, chip out.

oi blud wing out the fedz are coming.

by DJ Hazard - David November 2, 2004

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cats with wings

Acid. LSD. Liquid LSD. Liquid Acid.

1.Hey guys, wanna get some cats with wings this weekend?
2.Wow, flying with those cats on Friday was amazing!

by Bloodclot October 14, 2005

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Verb- The act, during intercourse, when the legs are spread. When, correctly viewed, it gives the appearance of an X-Wing from the Star Wars trilogy. Often used as code, specifically when in front of his or her partner.

Guy 1: Ah, hey man, last night I was with my girlfriend...
Guy 2: And?
Guy 1: We so totally X-Winged!

Girl 1: Keep going!
Girl 2: So things were getting pretty serious and I wa-
*Boyfriend enters*
Girl 2: So... yeah, basically, we were X-Winging for longer than you can imagine.

by CrocoSmith January 14, 2011

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