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cross-town pounding

To gather yourself, your significant other, and three additional couples in a van and drive around town stopping at four random locations for sex. At the first stop, everybody gets out of the van and has sex somewhere at the destination with their own partner. At each of the three additional stops, everybody swaps partners with a different couple. By the end of the night, everybody will have had sex with four different people in four different places.

Lee: "My girl is really hot, but I wanna fuck your fiancee and those two other chicks, too."
Andrew: "Sounds good to me. Let's go cross-town pounding!"

by atrain007 October 15, 2012

few extra pounds

A euphemism for a "lot of extra pounds"

Her personal ad stated "a few extra pounds."

by SyntacticSugarDaddy December 27, 2005

158๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

pound one out

1.To Jerk off profusely, like a banshee. Usually when upset.
2.To Vigorously beat it when there isnt much time.

After a long fight with his girlfriend regarding her disintereset in putting out, Jason Grout proceeded to Pound one out in the upstairs bathroom.

by Dune C June 28, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tally wacker pounding

when you are British and you bring your girl over to fuck

Yo bro I heard Lauren went over to your house last night
Ya I gave her an old fashion tally wacker pounding

by Urmomispoo69 January 29, 2019

Lemon Pound Caked

The act of cops entering homes and stealing the residents possessions.

The cops busted my door down then lemon pound caked me in broad daylight

by Alicatz March 27, 2023

Black Cock Pound

A homosexual pornographic parody of Black Hawk Down, starring Ben Ass-lick and Josh Hard-nips.

I went to a stag shop to rent a porno to rent a full length movie such as "E.T. - Extra Testicle" or "Black Cock Pound".

by Leonardo Gambino March 10, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pounding out the swords

a catch-all phrase that can be used to provide emphasis to whatever you are talking about.

My paper is due tomorrow, it looks like I will be pounding out the swords all night to get it done.

Nice work Joe, you really know how to pound out the swords!

by LosHermanosPoliticos October 17, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž