To hunt for sweet man meat at any local gay establishment or event.
John spends his Sundays at The Rainbow Room roping ass. He has slept with every bartender in the place.
1. A derogatory term used synonymously with a****** Or jerk.
2. Double Autundra referring to hand jobs. Can refer to someone who is bad or good at hand jobs
" She had the hands Of an arm wrestler she was a real rope Wrangler"
" Dawg she so good with her hands she a real rope wrangler "
" chuck's a real rope wrangler for cutting our pay"
In DND - constitution DC14 roll
He attacked me with a nerd rope and I had to roll a constitution DC14.
A rainbow rope refers to a sex toy of some sort (e.g. dildo, vibrator)
She has a box full of rainbow ropes in her closet.
1. Chinese burn performed by a rope or someone giving someone else a Chinese burn while using rope.
2. When a rope pulls your skin while giving you rope burn.
'This harness is giving me Chinese rope-burn.'