When you give that girl the ‘ol Mankey meat
“Aye bitch you tryna go filipino sand surfing?”
traveling the world and finding treasure in a giant balloon. an activity mainly for people who haven't "thank" all day.
Megan went geo-surfing because her blue Prius was broken.
When the recipient of fellatio takes control.
I was so close, I grabbed her by the head and started throat surfing!
A "Flying Surf" is when you accidentally combine two words into a new word.
Origin Story:
I was playing CS:GO 'Surf' and talking about the YouTuber 'Flying Uwe'
so while talking i said by accident 'Flying Surf' instead of 'Flying Uwe'
A: Did you saw the new Ryan Reynolds movie ?
B: The one with the Red Suit ?
A: Yeah, Red Reynolds was amazing.
B: Red Reynolds ?
surfing near river outlets after a long rainy period you surf in garbage
he was hutin for a ride hed surf dirty
When you take out a scooter, bike, skateboard, etc, and go to the top of a driveway and roll down to the road and to the next driveway, and back again, and again until you stop.
Andy: Hey Mike
Mike: What
Andy: Wanna go driveway surfing?
Mike: Yeah sure, with what though?
Andy: We only have scooters...
Mike: Oh yeah right...
A short concave surfboard, ridden as a kneeboard.
George Greenough, surfing with a spoon during his famous"sermon on the point."