Source Code

joe dog

a pimp for Howie's prostitutes

Joe Dog ain't happy. You owe us.
You can't take a ride on a carnival cruise and only pay for a tugboat.

by salgood, man June 14, 2022

Joe Beez

The best deli, sandwich shop, or caterers in Kingston NY. It is a "hole in the wall" on 40 South Manor Avenue. There menu consists of sandwiches that are all named, like the prodigy, the duke, and some other local and national celebrities. Do not call it Joey beez, because you will sound retarded. That would be mixing up the name with Joey D's, another great restraint in Kingston.

The first time I ate at Joe Beez, I felt enlightened, because I have never eaten something that tasted sooooo good.

by KingstonNY May 2, 2011

Joe Gatto

Eating a massive amount of pastry in one sitting. Usually a package meant for multiple people.

Are you about to Joe Gatto that whole cheese danish?

by Therilz November 1, 2021

Joe Munchies

A disparaging nickname for Senator Joe Manchin, the poseur Democrat from West Virginia, because his racist arguments are about as coherent as a 24-7 pothead.

Here comes Senator Joe Munchies with another illogical diatribe in defense of the neo-Nazi Republican filibuster!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 23, 2021

Joe Negri

Joe Negri; a quite delightful fella, but yet tipical.

He offten speaks of the lovely skys, && he plays guitar like a mother fucking riot. He offten calls to say there was a man here who had some wonderful horns. && it be like that sometimes.

(Josh siad to Cree) Joe called && said there was a man here with some wonderful horns. (Cree replied) Joe who?

(Josh said ) JOE NEGRI: )!

by Asian kitty August 21, 2010

Pedo Joe

The depressing end result of creepy obsessive hatred against Donald Trump.

Cuck with Pronouns in Bio: We need Four More Years of Pedo Joe!!
Reasonable Person: You sure? Didn't that senile idiot wreck our economy, open our border to the cartels, leave our people to die in Afghanistan, and let Russia invade Ukraine?
Cuck with Pronouns in Bio: Yeah maybe I guess. But that's still not as bad as all those mean tweets from Orange Man.

by HonestyKing May 26, 2023

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joe nuts

he is anything and everything, but most importantly, he’s joe nuts.

joe? joe nuts!?!?

by pat_underscore June 8, 2020

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