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little brother

a tiny little fart that tags along after a much larger and boisterous burst of flatulence, whose mere existence just seems redundant and pathetic in the wake of its predecessor


"Ahh! Now that was some good stuff!"


"Whoops. Little brother."

by Harry Bumwind June 10, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers

Three guys (if you can even call them that) who for some reason have a shit load of fans even though they clearly do not possess any talent; you would realize this if you weren't retarded.
Their "music" (I almost threw up writing that) is supposedly directed at 8 to maybe 14 year olds, yet ALL THEIR FUCKING SONGS ARE ABOUT LOVE. No damned 10 year old knows what the hell it feels like to be in love. See a problem? Hopefully you do 'cause man, there's a LOT of them.
Random things I feel like ranting about:

1. They. Are. Not. Rock. Not now, not ever. If you think they are rock you should probably just drop dead now. Like, right now. Thanks.
2. ANYONE comparing JB to The Beatles should automatically just fall off the damned earth on to their own little planet of terrible music (JB, Miley Cyrus, all other Disney tools). It's best for everyone who actually know what real music is.
3. I see them EVERYWHERE I go. Which is indeed a horrible sight on account of I don't enjoy my eyes spazzing at the sight of them. And on that note...
4. THEY'RE SO FUCKING UGLY. Christ they look like deformed giraffes combined with dead raccoons (no offense to either specie).
5. It makes me laugh in a beyond retarded manner when the best insult fans can come up with is "YOUR JUST JEALOUS!!!!" ('Your' usually used instead of the correct 'you're' on account of their brains have melted to nothingness). The fuck is there to be jealous of? Sure I'm not famous, sure barely anyone knows my name, but I have more talent than they will ever have, thus, THEY should be jealous of ME. Biiitch.
6. Hopefully, if we are lucky enough, in a few months JB will dissapear without a trace. Now that, would be AWESOME.

Yea that was my rant.

They have such shit lyrics. I'm sick of people saying that they're so meaningful and inspiring:
"I climb a tree outside her home.
To make sure she is alone.
She looks up and sees me there.
Still I can't help but stop and stare.
That's what I go to school for.
Even though it is a real bore.
You can call me crazy.
She is so amazing."

First of all, what the hell why are the Jonas Brothers stalkers? They sound like a creepy version of Dr.Seuss. Second, if a Jonas Brother climbed a tree outside my house to be creepy mother fucker I'd push him off and call the cops. Third, how are these lyrics meaningful? Well, I guess they COULD be meaningful.. to someone who's a bloody stalker and does this every night to some poor, poor soul.
& Yes, I searched up Jonas Brothers lyrics. Yes, I am downright ashamed. But it's better than knowing the lyrics! Gotta give me something for that.

by RAHHHHHH March 13, 2009

367๐Ÿ‘ 242๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers

A canned band with the brand of disney.
They don't sing, they don't play the guitar, they walk around the stage and sometimes dance and jump up and down. Here's the big question. When everyone is jumping around and neglecting their instruments, where's the music coming from.
(PROTIP: Not them)
Also, purity rings? Give me a fuckin' break.

9 YO girl: I love the Jonas Brothers.
Me: I know, it's really not your fault at all. Blame Disney for getting at you before your mind's fully matured.

by Anonymous1245 July 11, 2008

568๐Ÿ‘ 384๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers

One of the many horrible things coming out of that corporate, brainwashing company, Disney Channel. Sickens me.

You can trust me, when I say I am WAYYYYY smarter than any crazy girl who obviously could NEVER get a boyfriend, therefore developing some idiotic celebrity crush on someone who you will NEVER meet.

Nick Jonas will never EVER marry you!
He will never KNOW YOUR NAME!
He will never read that fan-mail you spend your time writing!

My advice to any girl who has a crush on Jonas Brothers:
GET A REALITY CHECK!!! Why don't you start wearing a bra, buy some deodorant, and GET A BOYFRIEND!!!
(preferably one you've met, knows your name, and is actually attractive)

And I am a 12 year old girl, reading at a college level, math at a 10th grade level, and I have been going out with my boyfriend (13) for over a year.

And I would get beat up SOOO bad if I even MENTIONED them at school(trust me, it happened to someone else)

And yes, this school does have 15 year olds too.

Girl- OMG!!! Don't you LOVE the Jonas Brothers!?! They are SOOOO cute!!!

Me- Maybe you should have a crush on someone from the same state as you. Or at least one you've talked to.

Girl- Oh, who needs you? I'm gonna listen to my new CD.


by Angelicawalker123 August 4, 2008

338๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž

little brother

THE most annoyingg person on the planet that gets whatever he wants when he wants it. when you touch them they cry and and say you brutally mauled them. gets to pick whatever he wants to watch even if its your turn with the remote. overall just an a hole

me: get out of my way bro.

little bro: whaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh you punched meeee!!!!!

mom: gavin go to your room! y would you punch your brother like that.

me: WHATTT!!! itouched him. oh my godddd! wtf mom i didnt do anytthing.

little bro: *smirks*

me: moom look he is smiling. oh my gabe(little brother) your such a little brother. your just a big cry baby

by gavin goes on May 6, 2020

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

big brother

1.cospiracy: An operational body which monitored the activity of all the citizens, first introduced in teh book 1984.

2.Stupid reality tv show that no one watches anymore.

3.Internet:See wordEchelon/world

Shhhh Big Brother is watching ยฌ_ยฌ

by Drow February 10, 2003

305๐Ÿ‘ 201๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Brother

1. Typically with lower-case initials, one's older sibling of the male sex.

2. Figurehead of the totalitarian government of the superstate of Oceania in George Orwell's final and most famous novel, 1984. Not an "actual" person in the world of the novel, rather a generic middle-aged male face staring out of countless posters, telescreens and so on. The accompanying legend reminds anyone present, "Big Brother is Watching You." Projects an image of the government as omnipresent, omniscient, and allegedly benign. Shortened to an affectionate "B.B." in the novel in colloquial speech, and in the daily ritual of the Two Minute Hate.

3. Figurative description of intrusive government or bureaucracy.

4. At least one television series of the genre known as "reality TV", in which an assorted group of people are obliged for a time to live together in a house being watched through cameras that broadcast their lives together to the watching public. Such a series is typically held as a competition where the public or a smaller group may vote a member out of the house at regular intervals, with a reasonably large cash prize awaiting the resident who stays longest.

Fred is Jeremy's big brother.

(Final line of novel): He loved Big Brother.

Big Brother is watching us again, so get your tax forms in on time.

I hope that harridan Jemima is voted out of the season of Big Brother as soon as possible.

by Fearman October 31, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž