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Yeah, dude.

Phrase used to start a sarcastic comment or response. It can also be used on its own to imply sarcasm in different contexts. It's basically used to mess around and joke with your friends, but it can be mean if you want it to be.

Acquaintance: Hey man, do you wanna hang out tonight?
You: Yeah dude, I like you.

Teacher: Your final grade will be based on one 15-18 page paper.

You (to friend): Yeah dude, we're gonna pass this class, right?

Man: Will you marry me?
Woman: ....yeah, dude.

Bro: Dudeeeee you tryna blaze tonight??
You: Yeah dude, I don't have work tomorrow morning or anything.

Friend: Dude could you do me a favor and get me a drink?

You: Yeah, dude! (you don't get the drink)

by weinerenthusiast December 20, 2012

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phone dude

Fuckin badass phone guy from FNaF3

Phone Dude: Hey Hey, glad you came back for another night!

by Phone Dude May 31, 2016

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Modesto Dude!

1. battle cry heard in Call of Duty or Battlefields.

2. When something sick happens in Modesto.

I saw someone get robbed today!" Where at? "In Modesto Dude!"

by Harry Potter's Daddy November 6, 2010

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dude skid

The mark your log leaves inside the toilet bowl.

Jesus, I know Mary used the bathroom last! I can't believe the friggin' dude skid she left for me. Insane to think she just logged out!

by fav January 24, 2007

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a crazy mother fucker, the lord of the unknown

we were playing hacky sack, and Raz-Dude got raz marks on the ceiling.

by bash court April 15, 2004

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dude bro

The above definitions for dude bro hit the mark very well. The only aspect left out is that a dude bro is COMPLETELY insecure in what he understands manhood to be. When a dude bro is away from others of his type and put in a situation with a group of older men (30+), he has no adequate defense mechanisms. He is not used to seeing how real men act and quickly retreats to his mama boy posse.

In more white trash areas of the country, a dude bro can be seen wearing gangsta shorts that resemble high water pants and walking like he has just shit himself.

Dude bro music is indeed top 40 drivel and white boy rap. The best way to compare a dude bro to the disappearing breed of real men is this: a dude bro could be seen on powderpuff MTV or VH1 reality shows but you would never see a dude bro on Ice Road Truckers or The Deadliest Catch.

Dude Bro 1: Hey dude, your '04 lowered Honda is the shizzle! I can get in no prob with my dwarf-like legs, bro!

Dude bro 2: I training to become a cage fighter!!!

by bighoss August 1, 2010

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sah dude

The amazingness that has become of our nation how people of america must greet each other for now on

Hey dude. Your respond Sah dude

by airsoftking22 April 29, 2016

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