When you insufflate enough downers to tranquilizers a rhino, usually involves a feirce comedown after its symptoms subside.
person 1:i just did a calfreezy flip
person 2:i dont wanna be that guy in the morning
The act of flipping a cigarette (heater) out of your mouth and catching it back in your mouth whilst having it have spun on the Y-Axis during its flight.
Lamelo: "Yo, Perry, did you see @barstool sports post of that dude burning his mouth because he botched a heater flip?"
Perry: "No, Lamelo, this is seventh grade, I really don't care."
Lamelo: "Oh...I got a boge right here, should I try a heater flip?"
Perry: "I really don't care, sure."
Lamelo: *Attempts heater flip, cig lands in eye, loses left eye*
Heroin, fentanyl, shrooms, lsd, Molly, and cocaine all at the same time
Yo bro wanna tar flip with me?
Naw man I don’t want to die today maybe tmrw
Breaking a window beacause your marching band students are not paying attention.
Y'all best stop messin around, or I'm gonna be flipping a biscuit
Noun: The combination of Adderall and some hallucinogen, usually LSD-25
Verb: To take such a combination
Ex1: Should I take LSD while on my ADD medication, oh, yeah, addy flipping is good.
Ex2: The LSD is getting boring by itself, so I think I"ll take some Adderall with it and addy flip.
This is when a girl is giving a male a handjob and she puts her fingers in his anus. She then takes them out and smells/tastes them.
Sue totally flip the tription with me last night and I think I pooped on her finger.
The act of one backflipping by accident instead of jumping