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Redsox Nation

A dillusional group of fans that actually thinks Boston Redsox will win the World Series this millenium.

A dillusional group of fans that thinks the Redsox can beat the New York Yankees in a meaningful game in October.

A group of fans that believes a curse from Babe Ruth has beset their team.

Favorite words for members of Redsox Nation to remember,"1918","Babe Ruth","Bucky Dent","Bill Buckner",and "Aaron Boone".

by No-No Nanette July 25, 2004

38πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

the Nation

A brotherhood formed by a group of young men from the suburban Annapolis area. The Nation started as a low-key motorcycle club but soon evolved into a secret society. Originally created by a young chubby white male, the Nation now consists of all African Americans except for himself. He has since changed his name to Brother Shae Muhammed. Duties done by the Nation are classified as secret and only members know the true identity of the brotherhood. Not to be confused with a violent gang, these brothers love the kids!

(Girl): "Who are all those black guys and one white guy
flying down Main Street on those crotch rockets?"

(Dude): "Are you fucking crazy? That's the Nation.
They love the kids!"

by Big Vanilla August 7, 2007

1πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

vape nation

A group of individuals who've banded together to offset the large amount of hate towards the vape community. The group also vapes a lot around each other almost like a gay orgy. They sometimes chant "Vape Nation!" to let others know they're cool and in the Vape Nation.

Judith: "Hey Eugene did you bring your vape to school today?"
Eugene: "I sure did Judith!"

by BibleManDid911 April 12, 2016

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

National Socialism

National Socialism (Nazism) is a political belief created by Friedrich Naumann. It aims to unite Socialist ideas with nationalism (specifically German nationalism). National Socialism is a centrist idea which leans slightly right due to it's ultra-nationalist elements.

There are elements of Socialism within Nazism but in many cases welfare money was only given to those of native descent. The belief of the people being a master race is also a right wing idea and in the case of Nazi Germany the Aryan race is the master race. Nationalism is strong in Nazi regimes. The love of one's country and the belief that it should be strong is also a typically right wing idea (Note that Patriots and Nationalist are very different people and should NOT be confused).

National Socialism does not believe in class division. They despise the idea of Poor vs Rich (Communism) and Rich vs Poor (Capitalism). Many National Socialists believe that all class division should be abandoned and all people should unite behind the master race to make the Country better.

"National Socialism is Socialist". "No it's actually Nationalist with a few socialist ideas"
"Republicans are National Socialists" "No republicans are Patriotic, National Socialists are Nationalist"

by Actual Politics May 26, 2018

69πŸ‘ 186πŸ‘Ž

no scope nation

one who is insane and amazing at getting no scope head shot in halo3 with the sniper rifle

Wow, look at that guy get a killionare with all no scope headshots, he is such a no scope nation

by 8=D~~~~~~~ April 6, 2009

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

thot nation

A nation filled with pesky little rats that call them self thots that spreads their legs like their mother, theigh sisters, and 4 brothers like prostitutes.

She’s a thot! She should join the thot nation.

by Alfy Squigglebottoms January 15, 2018

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Aviator Nation

An overpriced company of clothes with the same material as target sweatshirts and sweatpants just for the price of $200 for sweatpants with the rainbow on it. If you don't grow out of this phase by middle school then you are the most stuck up annoying, immature person anyone will ever meet. Absolutely nobody likes you and I guarantee people talk shit about you in school. You probably are the type or person to call somebody ghetto who isn't wearing aviator nation or golden goose sneakers.

"Hey did you see that girl in Aviator Nation yesterday, everybody hates her she is so annoying."

by lia filippelli September 9, 2021

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