Names that are so powerful, like Trent Steele or Champ Bailey or Chet Torso, that you assume whoever has that name is the master of the universe. Like if you found out you had to fight Trent or Chet or maybe a guy named Diablo Barbelli, you'd shit yourself and run before you even found out what they looked like. For lady power names, like Sterling Bentley, you automatically assume they are incredibly attractive and also way smarter than you.
Some kid named Magnus Striker just transferred to our school. I'm gonna move to Alaska before he shatters all the windows and kicks my ass by literally just saying his power name out loud.
When Your recording a video and your friend asks what his melee is
Friend: How do I use my fisting powers, WAIT!
Everybody Else: *Dies Laughing*
A reverse term to describe anyone who has limited knowledge of the use of computers, and has an obsession with porn. Clumsy with a short term memory.
Heh. My friend's a cleric of power, as you would say.
n. The influence of the Italian mafia on any given affair.
Note: This is not to be confused with the "Power of attorney".
Frankie hadn't paid his rent in three months, so Jimmy invoked the power of a Tony on him. We haven't seen Frankie since.
The Power Strip is a power strip covered in semen; it is in this condition because its "relieving to not have to clean up." unfortunately this usually also means that the wall/floor around The Power Strip is also covered...
Man 1: What is this....
Man 2: It's "The Power Strip"
Man 1: Why does this exist?
Man 2: I was too busy to grab a napkin, lets leave it at that.
Verb: The action of sewing at immense speed
The girls began to power sew because they strictly had to leave at 12:30
The act of performing the Shocker manuever whilst wearing the Nintendo Power Glove
Dude, I was playing some vintage video games when my GF wanted some, so I just gave her the ol' Power Shocker!