(noun) A bed.
Most commonly a well-made bed belonging to a bachelor who frequently uses it to perform sexual activity with his dates.
Splashpad splash pad bed bachelor master bedroom one night stand hook-up
This night is going great, let's go back to my place, I'd like to take you to my splash pad, we can have a lot of fun!
the space between the bottom of your nose and top of your lip. (where snot and spit often compile)
Girl 1: That guy is hot. GO make out with him.
Desperate Girl 2: Hell no. He's got snot on his splash pad.
to ejaculate in a woman's vagina through unprotected sex.
She was seducing me all semester, practically begging me to splash in her jacuzzi.
When you enter a woman's Bar (The Arc Dutchy) and fill it with 35k men (Your Seamen) and leave her dismantled (Her Holy Roman Empire).
Damn Jeb you really did a Prussian Splash and Dash in 1566.
When you put down a layer of toilet paper before taking a shit.
X: do you put down a layer of toilet roll before you take a dump so that water doesn’t splash?
Y: what, splash matting, yeah!