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Amy Schumer Theory

The theory that Amy Schumer's existence brings down the humor levels of the entire female gender.

I don't believe in Science, I believe in the Amy Schumer Theory.

by genderfenderbendergander May 3, 2021

Confederate Barbarian Theory.

Confederate Barbarian Theory is a very advanced theory in history, which combines elements from mathmatics, economics, and philosophy relating to the civil war and its causes. While the common man might say slavery or a well educated man might say closer to southern aggression to civilization and freedom might be the cause of the civil war the intellectual man will know the logical conclusion of this. It is in opposition to retarded lost cause theories which content the confederacy worthy of being part of western civilization.

Confederate Barbarian Theory disproves entirely lost cause cuckery with facts, logic, and remaining true to General SHERMAN. It states that the confederates were barbarians whomst sought to destroy freedom, America, civilization, and liberty in order to forge a new dark age of evil where evil weak men would enslave strong superior men.

Weak men say: war of northern aggression
normie men say: civil war
strong men say: war of southern aggression
SRTONK MAN SAY: Confederate Barbarian Theory.

by TheS August 11, 2022

1👍 1👎

theory of relativity in arkansas

everybody is related

theory of relativity in arkansas is everybody is related

the song im my own grandpa was composed in arkansas

by TransAlphaAndyRAWR October 18, 2022

227👍 17👎

John Cena theory

This theory says that the empty space in between atoms happens to be tiny John Cena's. This theory can neither be real of fake. The John Cena's keep singing their theme song. It's very cool and epic.

Student: Is the John Cena theory real?
Prof: Yesn't

by Eliasisnotgay October 11, 2020

Hidden Number Theory

Hidden Number Theory is the umbrella term for the mode of perception that allows the observer to extract the ‘hidden’ letters, words and numbers within letters, words, and numbers. The following examples will demonstrate the method behind this concept using the words Eight and Light as well as the letter O and number 0.

Example one

Eight, Light

In this example, we can observe how the word Light is seemingly ‘hidden’ within the word Eight. All we must do is remove the top arm and the centre crossbar of the E to reveal the ‘hidden’ L. Thus, the word Light appears. This example demonstrates both a hidden letter within a letter and a hidden word within a word.

Example two

word, crow

In this example, we can observe how the word crow is seemingly ‘hidden’ within the word, word. All we must do is remove the stem from the letter d to reveal the apparent ‘hidden’ c which reveals the letter combination worc. Next, we reverse this letter combination to reveal the seemingly ‘hidden’ word crow.

This methodology allows the user artistic licence to elaborate on this methodology and develop a sentence. For example, “There are eight bright lights” and “The crows work is in misguided words”.

Example three

O, 0

In this example, we can observe the similarities between the letters O and the number 0, in that they are both circular. Through the elaboration of this idea, the Cobain cipher was developed.

Hidden Number Theory was identified and defined by Steven McCreanor to demonstrate the logic behind the deliberate cryptogram STUVWX MC^234567.

by STUVWX MC^234567 August 28, 2019

149👍 6👎

Anal Beads Theory

Many people believe in an afterlife. Recent scholars have developed new knowledge; based on a new study. The study shows a theory developed by the great and powerful mind of Alexander Vilapiano. His theory is that when we die we are in fact reborn. Those who do well in life come back as a Lion or something badass. Those who are evil are re-birthed as Anal Beads.

Anal Beads Theory

1. If you are good in life you are reborn as a lion. If you're a dick, you are reborn as Anal Beads.
2. Danny was a dick to Jose, so when Danny died, he was reborn as Jose's Anal Beads.

by Cpumaster February 13, 2015

Young Girl Theory

The Theory that young girls bring 3 things to the table when dating them.

1. Drama 2. Headaches 3. Sex......two of these they supply an abundance of, or too much. The third, they just aren’t that good at, or have enough experience.

Remember every time those hot little young sluts come up and hit on you, or you match with another one on Tinder, and take her home and smash her out, cause she’s not wearing panties.......repeat the Young Girl Theory. Is it worth it, and will you have enough patience and Advil to last?

by GIRTHQUAKE72 November 20, 2019

67👍 10👎