A catchphrase MrBeast put on his banner a long time ago. It was basically a "please subscribe" call, but it was unique to MrBeast, and it gave him some individuality and more subscribers. Now, it's essentially the default YouTuber subscribe phrase, used by generic YouTubers with no personality, and by spam channels with no originality and they are only creating YouTube videos for the money. That's why MrBeast was probably the only inspiration for them to create YouTube videos.
They're not even good videos, they are 5 second YouTube shorts with an r/funny post they've stolen.
This channel's banner says "sub for a cookie 🍪", and they only showcase memes I saw years ago.
Years back, this was primarily MrBeast's catchphrase. This helped him gain subscribers because it was something cool and new. In recent years though, it has been the go-to subscribe phrase for generic YouTubers with no personality, and spam channels that have no originality (all they know is stealing). The spam channels in particular probably took a YouTuber growth course as they're only in it for money. MrBeast was probably their only inspiration to do YouTube anyway.
This spam channel says "sub for a cookie", and all the memes he shows I have seen years ago.
There is the underlying "Sub-Language" within conversional language that is indicative of you all talking about me when I'm not around and you're either doing it intentionally or you're doing it without realizing. I may not be able to tell the difference but I can uses your behavior to deduce conclusions.
Hym "And it's interesting to consider whether or not YOU know you're doing it. Are you TRYING NOT TO? Are you aware? Are you trying to get me to think something? Do something? That's what's irritating about it. Why would I know what YOU want me to think or DO in response to the thing you're saying? If you're doing it deliberately, I mean. It's just this weird "Sub-Language" and it's not that I don't understand what you're saying it's that... What is your point? AND? What is your next step? You did that. I did what I did in response to that. Now what? Your turn. I don't see the point of any of this."
Fun person go sub to him
Fun person go sub to him
When you're not even good enough to be trailer trash, but you still desperately try.
You probably live in a subway car, much the same way as trailer park trash lives in a trailer. Except, you have literally no class.
Bob is Cletus' sub-trailer trash neighbor. Rumor has it, he eats, sleeps, and cooks in his bathroom, which is a hole in the floor of the subway car he lives in. May or may not also be a methhead.
A submissive who enjoys having full control in the bedroom, but with the pleasure focused on the dominate partner.
“I hooked up with a praise sub last night. I let him have complete control in pleasuring and praising me.”