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whistling wookiee

When you shave off your cummy pubes on to your partners asshole and press them on into the shape of a wookiee, then proceed to do it in the butt until she/he farts.

Phil:After eating bean burritos while watching a star wars me and my gf decided to have anal. Needless to say I gave her a whistling wookiee. Steve: Ewww that's gross man.

by tater-salad69 December 7, 2014

screaming whistle shits

Diarrhea so bad that the loose stool exiting the anus creates a whistling noise. It should be noted that the noise can range from a low pitched hum all the way to a high pitched scream like a Piccolo Pete firework.

I’m scared to be too far from a toilet ; I’ve got the screaming whistle shits.

by Gargle McBalls. August 24, 2023

Whistling suit

English for a straight jacket. Origin is the sound a straight jacket makes when a person is trying to free themselves.

They had to take her out in a whistling suit after that meeting at work.

by kiKittymfa July 28, 2020

Whistle bird

Whistle announcing the end of the working day in a factory or industrial setting.

Fred and Barney were very excited whern the whistle bird blew.

by boBasterdz March 13, 2010

Boo boo whistle


A fart; may be used in reference with flatulence.

Grandma took communion on bended knee, proceeded to stand up and blew her boo boo whistle. The congregation gasped.

by Awsnapsonitson September 12, 2019

Cheese Whistle

A descriptive name given to a smegma caked penis.

"Get that filthy cheese whistle out ma face, its fuckin stinkin"

by Tendek February 7, 2021

Whistle Sound

The sound a frustrated, over-worked and tired prosecutor makes when he finally closes out a case that has been dragging on forever.

(Insert Whistle Sound)...thanks for playing, see ya!

by AVS12345 November 15, 2023