When you shave off your cummy pubes on to your partners asshole and press them on into the shape of a wookiee, then proceed to do it in the butt until she/he farts.
Phil:After eating bean burritos while watching a star wars me and my gf decided to have anal. Needless to say I gave her a whistling wookiee. Steve: Ewww that's gross man.
Diarrhea so bad that the loose stool exiting the anus creates a whistling noise. It should be noted that the noise can range from a low pitched hum all the way to a high pitched scream like a Piccolo Pete firework.
I’m scared to be too far from a toilet ; I’ve got the screaming whistle shits.
English for a straight jacket. Origin is the sound a straight jacket makes when a person is trying to free themselves.
They had to take her out in a whistling suit after that meeting at work.
Whistle announcing the end of the working day in a factory or industrial setting.
Fred and Barney were very excited whern the whistle bird blew.
A fart; may be used in reference with flatulence.
Grandma took communion on bended knee, proceeded to stand up and blew her boo boo whistle. The congregation gasped.
A descriptive name given to a smegma caked penis.
"Get that filthy cheese whistle out ma face, its fuckin stinkin"
The sound a frustrated, over-worked and tired prosecutor makes when he finally closes out a case that has been dragging on forever.
(Insert Whistle Sound)...thanks for playing, see ya!