Deadpool, the regenerating degenerate, Merc With a Mouth, the greatest thing to come from Canada since maple syrup and Three Days Grace.
Oh my Glob! Wade Wilson is so awesome! He’s way the coolest!
Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, the best thing to come from Canada since maple syrup.
Wade Wilson is awesome!
A true American legend some call him Matty Wap. He is lyrical genius with such lyrics as the Birtday Song .
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Tresea
Happy Birthday to you
Also known as the great Ham thrower this side of the Mississippi ..
Notable hashtags #WWMWD
That Matt Wilson is a lyrical genius daaaang
when a black man is educated on cultural studies formally
Jordan Thomas Cooper was like a Black Wilson Wilson Jr. because he was the first minority to work for an elected official of every race.
the hottest fucking girl in the world
“holy shit have you seen ellie wilson?!” “yes bro she’s so hot”
The sexiest, strongest, most talented and intelligent person who can possibly exist ever.
Everybody wishes they were Rory Robert Wilson as he is so much better than everyone else
Kaiden Wilson day is on the 12th July, each year on this day, it is celebrated by exchanging gifts, (optional)
Today is National Kaiden Wilson Day!!