A name given to a person who is thought to of/ has done Spice.
Also used as an insult.
Oi Charlie you fucking Spice Monkey Suck Your Mum.
No fucking chance, man. Even with infinite chances, time, and probability, it ain't happening.
"Did your team survive?"
"They were too inexperienced. You know, monkeys and typewriters."
A mean monkey is someone who always has the name "Reyan" and is an extremely NOT kind hearted person who loves to bully and degrade little kids although he is one himself.
Reyan: Hey you're a bitch
Person: Wahhhhhhhh
Reyan: Go cry about it
Person: Go fuck yourself you mean monkey
When somebody with longer hair (extending an inch or more past the ears) has a good bunch of flat laying hair posed directly in front of the ears, while still keeping the ears visible, near fully peaking out through the hairs color.
This resembles the side of a chimpanzees face, not a monkey, but colloquially.. who the hell cares.
This effect is particularly noticeable on lighter skinned people with darker hair colors, as their ear and hair more objectively match the look of a chimpanzees side profile.
Although if somebody is not in that category, the effect is still easy to spot!
"her hair always falls into a monkey ear, its kind of neat really." said Luigi Mangione, in a surprising quote he likely did not at any point say.
The Anarchist Attic monkeys are just like the Artic Monkeys except Carolyn typed attic. We all made fun of her. But we love the name and we agree to be anarchist. It’s all guud tho.
The anarchist Attic monkeys are Carolyn, Manny, Jackie, Giulianna, piper, and Julian( Kevin if he wants
The act of goofing off and the involvement in any suspicious activities.
Hey you saw Aziz and Akhil over in the corner there yesterday? Yea, they were definitely monkeying around! (Aziz + Akhil = 2 monkeys)
When a group of people or an individual is dilly dallying, messing around, or doing any suspiciously inappropriate behavior.
Hey you remember when Aziz and Akhil were monkeying around that day? They were sure getting wild back there!