The little pocket on a pair of jeans, where you can only use one finger reach in to on a pair of jeans
Where did you put the pill at? its in my monkey claw pocket, good luck getting it out of there !
It is a place we’re humans forced to harvest bananas and it’s located outside of Obama city
Bro don’t go there I heard that’s the entrance to monkey temple
A thin black penis completely surrounded by a frizzly mane of pubic hair. The penis is usually unfindable except be its' owner, who frequently keeps it tucked near his nut sack so he can find it easily. Although the African Tunnel Monkey is not a measure of dick size, it is uncommon to find a normal sized lingum engulfed in pubic hair.
Last night I was looking to get my twat stuffed by this new guy, but when he pulled down his pants all I could see was this African Tunnel Monkey... so I friend-zoned him.
A fat retarded dipshit aka my friend Kieran Keefe
Yo, I'm about to call that Khunky Monkey
a shanky monkey is a phenomenal specimen, usually caught residing in the depths of nigeria, with many big black men. his physical appearance is true to a long, thin, black, scrumptious stick. he has multiple associates who constantly bully the poor shanky monkey, and few friends who watch and laugh. his mother considers him a complete and utter embarrassment to the monkeys. he is not thick, strong, or as sexy as he should be. shanky is the very embodiment of "almost there" and his brethren make sure to let him know it.
you could have been a doctor, but you ended up a shanky monkey
Hey bob, look at the scribble monkeys drawing. It’s pretty good.
A low level pro wrestler, who is largely unknown that shares air time with a star.
That promo was amazing until those 2 rub monkeys came out and I had to change the channel.