When you know your getting the goods its "Bingo Time"
"It's Bingo Time Baby"
I don’t bloody know nick told me to do it
Bangggggg it’s bingo time
the showing of ones beard to another, usually the opposite sex for use of mating. Or to show dominance over someone if the same sex.
so is it beard time?
Yeah sure, lets see it!
When one smokes (fire), drinks (water), trips off shrooms (earth), and vapes (air) all at once, mastering all 4 elements and becoming The Avatar.
Peasant: ayy gang u straight?
THE AVATAR: ਤੇਨਾਉਦੇਲਠੰਲ਼ੜਹਯĮSŠ AANG TIME NIGGÅÀÄĀÆ੦ਆੂਓ੯੪ਘਿਨਾਵਡੜੇੂ
Peasant: dials animal control*
When one smokes (fire), drinks (water), trips (earth), and vapes (air) all at once, mastering all 4 elements and becoming The Avatar.
Peasant: ayy gang u straight??
THE AVATAR: ਵੌਪਿਮਜੂਮੱਰਬਚੈਤੋੁਨਤਿੂਜਨੜੰĮAANG TIME ÑÎgGĀĀĀĀĀਕੇਲਾਗਜੈਨਬਵਿਨੈੰਵਬੱਨਰਡੀਾੱਬ
Peasant: Dials Animal Control*
(1)An oddly vague, completely spontaneous response occurring when an employee becomes overwhelmed by their fucktarded boss's stupidity.
(2) A last second warning that you're about to tea-bagged the forehead.
-possibly accompanied by super lame trumpet sound(s)
Boss: "Any volunteers to work 12
hours today ?"
Typical Employee: "Any volunteers to suck my dick today?"
Overwhelmed Employee: It's Taint Time, MUTHA FUCKA!!!"
Sees coworker about to check their watch: "Don't bother dumbass!!you already know what time it is!" "It's Taint:pm; Taint:15, Taint:fourty-five etc etc