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Ball-Bag is a term used on the TV show, Impractical Jokers. Said by Joe Gatto, It just means, "Put the ball, in the bag."

Put your foot in the ball-bag!

by joshy_dun_t August 15, 2017

Ball Bag

That 1 person at work that acts like he’s one of the guys, but is a total scum bag.

Bill: Can you tell Ball Bag(Tommy) to come into my office?

by Chierchio47 August 27, 2019

vampire T-bag

To T-bag someone with a bloody tampon

Man Jasmine Vampire T-bagged last night it so wasn't cool man

by Sparky Wolf Dream December 28, 2013

Wet bag

An insult to chance sutton

"Tessa brooks, chanise is such a shallow wet bag how can he do that to tessa"

by Wahtttttttttttt August 1, 2017


BAG BING is a Dutch cringepop group and has ten members.

We could listen to the new BAG BING album.

by Ben-t February 21, 2018

Whore bag

Go pick up your whore bag

Yo you forgot your whore bag

by Greenmiller January 23, 2022

whore bag

A whore bag is somebody who just absolutely fucking sucks

yo, brandyn is a fucking whore bag, honestly just a piece of shit!

by jklnhiufycdut7ky December 6, 2019