National best friends day April 24 show off your best friend <3
Hey it’s best friends day you better post me bitch
A play off of joe mama
It’s when you see the opportunity to make new friends
Friend: Aye is that Joe?
Stranger: Joe Ma-
Friend: Joe Friend
When you consider someone a friend, based on location.
when they live close by you will hangout and see them, if they ever move away, goodbye have a nice life.
Not good enough friends to even consider travelling to visit.
Since *fucktard* moved to *shitholetown* I really lost touch, too bad its 45 minutes away.
He was really just a Local Friend.
If you know anybody who’s always going through a hard time literally or going through depression, suicidal thoughts please...Give them a hug they literally need it
Boy:why are you hugging me?
Girl:it’s national hug your sad friend day..!
slap your bald friend day is a day where you slap your bald friend on the head
june 15th
oh hey its slap your bald friend day today, SLAP!
A Girlfriend, who is not publicly being called a girlfriend
Mark and friend B went on a trip to Tampa.
used by boys as an excuse to have hoes
girlf: ‘who was that girl you were with yesterday?’
boyf: ‘she’s just a friend’
girlf: ‘she’s a hoe’