a darkskin "hispanic" resembling ethnic and or brownskin orgin
This nigga folks asf im finna wax his shit
white guy: bro look at that nigga! he be working out but he won't lose weight cause he black as HELL!!!
friend: yeah i know right!
friend 2: nahh jit's crazy!
friend 3: 💀
dumbass black guy.
Often used as a term of endearment for individuals of color, who feel comfortable enough with each other to use this word in a friendly way.
This nigga really tryin to get a girl.
What's up my nigga.
Damn this nigga is a try hard.
It is a word that Black people use to greet each other and they made it a good word
Black 1:What up my Nigga
Black 2: What up Nigga
a term used for black people a long time ago however it is now used to refer to people (dosent have to be black anymore)
Ayooo Wassup my nigga!
Nigga is a derivatives from the word “nigger”. It became a word like “yo” or “hi” in black communities
My homie: Yo was good nigga
Ayyyyyyy was good it’s your favorite cracka