If you show your friend you will get new friends
Hey urban dictionary told me to tell you that it’s national show your friend a tit day
A person who's company you enjoy while also being able to engage in a healthy, non-committal sexual relationship
Adam is a confirmed bachelor. He has many friends. Many are Pants-On. However, from time to time he does have Pants-Off Friend.
When you’re so desperate for friends that you must platonically befriend your ex once again after breaking up.
Sam has an urgent-weather friend, their ex just so happens to have been hanging out with them for MONTHS after their messy breakup!
1. Someone who is obese
“Ewwww… look at that person.”
“Omg how did Bernice’s best friend get her?”
An ice cream friend is someone that you occasionally get together with. Sometimes you just go for a fun adventure, sometimes you get together to laugh, sometimes you get together for a bevvie or a meal, sometimes you get together for some ice cream, and sometimes you just f***.
Dude, I'll call you back later. I'm with my ice cream friend right now.
April 4th is national give your girl bestie a hoodie day. show your bestie you appreciate her. give her a hoodie.
Girl Bestie: “Hey it’s National Give Your Girl Best Friend A Hoodie Day”
Boy Bestie: “So?”
Girl Bestie: “Can I wear your hoodie please?”
Boy Bestie: “ig”
Perky tits under a sweater.
I had my face all up in those sweater friends!