your so high you don’t know what your doing where you are or why you even exist.
meaning that your so off your face you forget your own address and end up on a train headed for London
James:“i forgot i had existed again”
James:“i don’t know about you but i’m absolutely Off my nut”
The wide array of bad thoughts a man experiences for a few minutes after masturbation.
Directly at ter masturbating to a picture of his lifelong crush, he felt a little guilty and wondered if he even liked her at all, but those were just nut thoughts.
When you get a medical procedure to lift your drooping nut sack otherwise know as a scrotal tuck/lift
Damn man, my balls are hanging so low I’m gonna have to get a Nut Tuck
Some random idiot that complains all day, that some one is trying to steal their boyfriend and hacks their computer. E.G. Wack job.
Oh, baby lemme get you a towel for your nut wack complex you have at that pc all night long.
How many do you think love you long time? Do we need to get you a hand towel or will the right hand do to catch it from that tininy lil man you got goin' thier?
Yes, this is a tad childish, but so is your hacking problem nut wack job.
Man that fucken crazy nut wack complex is really stupid. does she/he really spend all day wanting to be inside me and my system? Who has the problem?
Girl, Just let me tell ya how much "I don't care" you think your all that. Wanna put some gloves to that test. You might slip on that huge ass of yours. Don't forget your "crown royal," for the straight ass whoopin' you need may hurt a bit.
Do you have the clue that 1. I don't want that nut wack complex. 2. your a crazy, insecure wannabee that needs a reality check at the door, and frankly let me all caps this for you so you understand. WHO"S MY" BITCH." Drunkasourus rex.
The moment of clarity and unattractedness you feel toward a sexual partner when they keep trying to make you finish but can’t and you lose arousal and attractedness to the person
Yeah I was with my Mark last night and he kept trying I felt so bad when I got no nut clarity.
similar to the infamous “post-nut clarity”, no but clarity occurs after a sexual experience when you do not finish (and probably didn’t even get to start). Usually occurs to women (actually only occurs to woman) after most sexual experiences with men. A state of depression and clarity as you come (but not cum!) to the realization that your man will never satisfy you.
he came in 2 minutes and i was a whole sun rotation away from even beginning, totally got no nut clarity and honestly wanted to cry and go home and use my vibrator