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cyber friends with benefits

People that you only know through the internet. Mostly you are just friends but it turns into sexting at times.

Phillip is just a CFWB, you know , a Cyber friends with benefits, we sext a lot, but I dont know him IRL.

by IvyDana55 October 30, 2017

Brunos friend

A “friend” of Bruno.
Who is actually not a friend.
They are lovers.
Bruno is gay.
Yes Bruno you are gay.

Person 1: omg look it’s Brunos friend!
Person 2: oh yes, they are very good friends;)

by I.am.not.saga May 9, 2022

camp friends

the best kind of friends. they will listen to you no matter what, be there for you, never do you dirty and will do the craziest shit with you.

i love my camp friends

by 29384$49202 February 2, 2019

camp friends

camp friends are the best friends u will ever meet. no matter where u are, your camp friends will always be there for u. camp friends NEVER leave your side.

sidney, mia, adam,
connor, benji, robbie, natalie, addie, sydney, peyton, hannah, mack, delaney and fatty g are the best camp friends

by campwestviewlover August 25, 2019

camp friends

camp friends are the best friends u will ever meet. no matter where u are, your camp feiends will always be there for u. camp friends NEVER leave your side.

adam, sidney, robbie, mia, connor, peyton, benji, addie, hannah, sydney, mack, delaney, natalie, elizabeth, and ivy are the best camp friends ever

by campwestviewlover August 25, 2019

Camp Friends

The people you choose to spend an amazing summer with. They listen to you and are always there, no matter what the distance is. Each summer you come back together and start right back where you left.

I spend an entire month at camp chi with my camp friends.

by campie4eva August 12, 2019

National Have Sex With Your Friend Day

A day where you can ask your friend for sex (and they might say yes).

You:Hey let's have sex,today's national have sex with your friend day.


by Haideez January 3, 2022