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Rich Dad Whore

A woman who has a wealhty father and the financial support and all the opportunities to be a productive and successful woman but still turns out to be a complete whore

Rich Dad Whore

Reginae Carter
Ya Ya Mayweather

by Long Dick Chris November 25, 2020

alabama whore

a whore that just so happens to be your sister

whoa, sis, you’re an alabama whore?!

by jw_lkr September 17, 2021

Cornbread whore

Midwest slut

Lucy from the LeBatard show. My sister called me a cornbread whore.

by February 23, 2024

Whore Breath

Whore breath is used to describe the breath of a woman (or man) whose breath reeks of ass, dick, gooch, or any other body part of another person. It can be obtained by not brushing your teeth and tongue after having a sexual encounter.

P1: Oh my god. Did you smell Amanda's breath?
P2: Yep. Looks like we've got ourselves a huge case of whore breath.
Amanda: You got me! I went to a 32-person orgy last night!
P1 and P2: *visibly disgusted*

by TotallyNotAGirl February 24, 2023

straight whore

a nice but mean bitch <3 who is also gay

“Hey adrian!”
“Just to let you know adrian is a straight whore”
“Oh, so he’s gay?”

by kayleess April 14, 2020

Whores gc

The best telegram groupchat existing PERIODTTTT!

Man, fuck those ugly ass telegram chats. The whores gc is the only good one on that shitty ass app.

by baddestbitchPERIODT December 3, 2018

Door Whore

The term has several contexts, consider the following:

1. In the general slang originating from the UK: A woman; often jailbait who sleeps with a bouncer, or entices a bouncer for favors.
2. Someone who holds the door for important people trying to get a word in to establish a connection to "get ahead in the world"
3. Probably my favorite: a term used in marine corps boot camp to describe the person last in line who holds the door for the platoon given the nickname "door whore" for the entirety of chow. Usually required to greet incoming DI's, and Officers.

Door whore skipped the line
Door whore didnt get a word in to that banker. That floozie never stood a chance.
You're last in line? Up front you're door whore.

by ruralchaingang December 22, 2022