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dub tiff

Superior pronunciation of the popular AIM acronym "wtf."

"I thought there was a party here. Dub tiff?"
"Dub tiff, I thought you loved me."

by japhy ryder August 25, 2006

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flub the dub

1. To avoid/ignore someone

2. To evade one's doody - No, duty.

I had to flub the dub ignored when my friend wouldn't stop asking me to hang out with her

by Ladybuglovers July 15, 2017

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dub ds

a girl who has a double d (DD) chest

damn!! did you see that girls dub ds?!?!?!?!

by dub ds March 31, 2008

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The act of parking your car in someones driveway and playing dub step obnoxiously loud until the owner comes out and then driving away

The family was having a peaceful evening until we decide to go dub-running.

by bberry94 March 3, 2012

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flubba dub

The act of gay fat men dong gay stuff in a bath tub.

What were you doing last night Frank?

Frank, "Oh I was flubba dubbing it."

by Mrvalsalva April 19, 2009

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dub kill

A double kill in only Halo 3.

Alex had a dub kill on Saxon and Daniel.

by west coast st-Evo October 13, 2007

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The combination of dubstep music and metal music. Having heavy influences of bass and electronic synthesis with the traditional use of electric guitar, vocals, bass, and drums.

Perfect example of Dub-metal style of music is KoRn and Skrillex's collaboration on songs such as "Get Up!" and "Narcissistic Cannibal"

by Xaricore October 20, 2011

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