132457689-0= is somehow a word that hopefully only has this definition
1đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
A word used to describe one of the best PKers out there.
Drunkin R2h: Wow, I got dropped for my whip and berserker ring the other day by TeeWee 0. Hope he didn't get it on vid.
When someone is so bored and have already typed zaxqscwdvefbrgnthmyjukilop and polikujymhtngrbfevdwcsqxaz they type zax`qsc1wdv2efb3rgn4thm5yj,6uk.7il/8o;9p'0-=\ don't worry, it gets better
I am dead inside, i will type zax`qsc1wdv2efb3rgn4thm5yj,6uk.7il/8o;9p'0-=\
ASCII for 'The finger'.
The most common excepted meaning of the Finger is “fuck you” ( See 'fuck you' ).
But, this simple gesture means anything from "stop taking my picture" or "learn how to drive or I will run you over next time" to "Hi mom, I'm on live television, behind a beat reporter, making you wish I was never born".
me: urbandictionary.com screwed up my original definition from 2005 and now I have to do it again.
urbandictionary.com: oops
me: -0= urbandictionary.com. this one is better anyways.
Person 167: I am a celebrity employee <0>
holding up a 0 means you like grown men.
“oh he is holding up a 0, he most like grown men”
If a person is holding up a 0 (action) this means they are obsessed with someone named Grant.
Person 1: “why you holding up a 0 like that?”
Person 2: “because I’m obsessed with Grant”