STAGE 1234567890987654321 OF BORE DOM PEOPLE
When someone wants to... do some nasty stuff........
Me: Hey, you're kinda cute...
Guy: You are too. Wanna.... --> 0?
Me: I'm too young go die bye
A state of boredom so ungodly that one types all of the keys that have a shift alternative with the original key first, then the shift key next, in a left-to-right fashion. If you see this, please get back to your assignment.
I typed `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:'",<.>/? today because I was so bored that I had the immediate urge to type in whatever this is.
you are unique if you typed this but not the first
if you want to confuse a friend type \=-'0;p9lo8ki7ju6hy5gt4fr3de2sw1aq they'll be questioning your sanity for sure
0 comp points . Trash player (fortnie)
0 pr 0 earns you are so free freeier than you gf in a party I can 5-o you........
When someone is making no sense
1) your making 0
2) that’s so 0 making
3)?? Your making 0
How bored are you?
There's no way you're this bored of a person
Like how did you even type all of this- whatever
I typed the most long word ever! it's "qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpPaAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlLzZxXcCvVbBnNmM1¹2²3³4⁴5⁵6⁶7⁷8⁸9⁹0⁰@#№$¢_&-_+±(<)>/*★"”'’:;!¡?¿~`|•♪√πΠ÷ק¶∆£¢€¥^↑°′=≠{(})\%‰©®™✓"