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A round of jaw

A round of jaw

Jenny,how about round of jaw for the boys?!?!

Jenny had lockjaw after a round of jaw for the boys!!!

by Beachler69 February 29, 2024

wrong way round

In the opposite of the normal or desirable orientation, direction or sequence.

The batteries where in the wrong way round

by Sanp March 3, 2018

round up ready

Round up in used to kill plants. Plants that are Round up ready won't be killed by the chemical.

Also can be said if you crop dust someone, "fart as you walk past them ".

I hope your round up ready, because I just crop dusted you!

by Mookie B. July 22, 2017

the round around

getting 3 cavities in one month after getting none for your whole life.

wow, she’s giving me the round around

by theroundaround May 18, 2019

Pick me up round

A Drink of alcohol to help change your feeling and emotion.

John: Man, i'm feeling really down since my break-up.
Dave: Maybe we can hit the clubs and take your mind off it.
John: Maybe, i could use A pick me up round.

by 09Dylan14 January 30, 2011

round master

someone who goes mad long rounds many times

your talking to the round master

by March 2, 2022

Round Tabling

The act of 3 cool people talking together in a group on Facebook.

Sham: Sorry I missed poker last night guys, I was round tabling with some cool kids and lost track of time.

by The Sham Sham May 29, 2011