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mall goths

Lame ass Kids who chill out on the stairs in front of school just to get in everyone's way. Very obnoxious and loud. All of them listen to shitty ass music like ICP\ and other shit, while a few of them are somewhat cool and listen to Dream Theater. They're poor choice of music should be replaced by good music such as Rush, Dragonforce, and Megadeth.

Big Boss-"Oh, man! I gotta get up the stairs, but I don't wanna be near the Mall Goths"
Freddy-"Good Point. Take the long way around."
Big Boss-"Yeah, man. I better."

by Superconductor April 27, 2006

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Insta-goth is when someone who wears things like jeans and shirts from stores like wal-mart, and other stores of the mainstream likes, and goes into a store like hot topic and come out a completely different person, and completely different in dress. This is also known as Mall goth, but just because you wear things like tripp doesn't always make you a Mall goth, Hot topic isn't a poser store, it just happens that alot of posers tend to shop there.

BOB: dude, that guy just went in there and came out completely different.

Frank:leave him alone, he is probably an Insta-Goth.

by Cybrax September 25, 2009

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Eco Goth

Thicc girls that love a flower aesthetic combined with elements of goth culture, but do not wear all black clothing. They are usually concerned with the general welfare of the planet and are open about encouraging others to take better care of it.

Amanda has a white flowery water bottle and flowers on her pencil bag AND wears floral dresses! She must be an eco goth.

by WordGang January 2, 2020

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Someone who does not support or reccomend the goth/gothic way of life i.e. someone who hates goths idealy preps

Joe was anti-goth because he was sick of them bitching about their "crappy" lives all of the time.

by SEAN2 July 26, 2005

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Goth Punk

The new craze of fashion and mainly music. In all actuality, this is just normal punk with the "musicians" wearing goth clothes (i.e. all black, spikes, shredded clothes, arm bands to the elbow, stuff from Salvation Army, and multicolored hair). Bands like this are Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Avril Lavigne, etc...

If you actually listen to the lyrics of their songs and compare them to those of Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, or Rob Zombie, you'll find that you're just listening to whiny people with less production work, weaker non-distorted guitars, and cheesy lyrics.

Girl: yo! i just snagged this sweet tie from goodwill, now i look Avril
Guy: tight! i just bought Good Charlotte's new cd, i'm the coolest dude EVER!
Goth Guy: *stabs both with wrist spikes, spits on them, and steals their shit*

by Phalkon November 4, 2004

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Goth Punk

A style of clothing but not really music. Anything with the term goth concentrates mostly on clothing and fashion among teens who think they are rebellious but are really just cowards who haven't learned to properly define themselves yet. Most little smart ass bastards involved in the craze don't know anything about real rock music or heavy metal.

Those "Goth punk" kids claim to be against conformity, yet in actuality they are no better than the other social clicks they claim to despise.

by Jack Adick January 7, 2005

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Indie goth

A preteen/teen (age between 11-16), who is both indie and goth. They will dress indie (in their own independant style), and probably have indie hair too. But their style will be darker than most indie kids. They will usually listen to:

Indie, alternative, rock, metal, alternative metal, screamo, gothic rock etc...

Most indie's, goth's and indie goth's are VERY against emo's/scene's. This is understandable because emo's/scene's "stole" indie style and turned it black. E.g.:

-> Converse
-> Black skinny jeans
-> Band tees

Plus, their used to be loads of good screamo bands, that felt the need to go emo to make money.

So NOT to confused with emo. They listen to indie and metal. Nothing wrong with that. As an indie/goth myself, I get along with indie/goth's, and just indie's and just goth's.

But if there's one thing none of us can stand, it's emo's/scene's.


Most people believe indie kids are cocky, but actually most of us are just people who don't really care about much except music. Same with goths mostly. People expect goths to just NEVER talk, and be depressed, but they actually talk a lot and are generally happy people who have a negative attitude on the world, but are still happy.

So indie goth's are people who don't really care about much except music, who take a negative attitude on the world but are happy and independant.

Prep boy: OMG look at the emo wearing converse!
Indie goth boy: Hey! Converse aren't even emo, they stole it off us.

by loving_music_<3 December 5, 2009

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