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A derogatory slang word used to refer to African Americans. Also the only reason why White People want to say this word is because they feel excluded, seeing as it does not yield any benefits to conversation.


by TheRacist March 30, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


calling someone a "nigger" is not equal to calling someone a "redneck" or a "cracker," because white people did not through what black people went through. they did not endure dehumanizing hardship and labor, they were the ones enforcing it.
the word "nigger" defines one that is not human or has any emotions, and is, in my opinion, the worst and most powerful word in the english language.
the difference between "nigger" and "redneck" or "cracker" is not the word itself being racist, but the origin and the history of the word that makes it horrible.

anyone who thinks the n-word is equal to redneck and cracker is a complete idiot, and most likely a redneck.

White guy: nigger.
Black guy: oh shit, cracker. you really that fucking stupid?

*beat down*

by asianinvasionxx July 11, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


(n) Nigger is an offensive word to call a person of African American descent,such as when you call a white person a cracker. Sometime used by blacks to laugh at the stupidity of ignorant people of racial backgrounds.

(n) Nigger can also mean a person of any race that is a total waste to society, such as a white nigger, that is based upon stereotypical trail trash.

Hey nigger you chicken eating man, or hey you white nigger are you ever going to get a job, and move out of your mother's basement.

by PseudoMan2012 July 25, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nigger means a black, dark-skinned person. The word "nigger" is the most offensive word in the English language. It was taken from the Latin word "niger", niger means black (color) in Latin. Nigga means a friend but it's still offensive. Negro is a Spanish word for black (color).

Related words: negro, nigra, nigra
whigga, whigger, wigga, wigger

Offensive: Go die you fucking nigger!
Friendship: Hey what's up my nigga!

Other languages:

Spanish: Oh hey, there's a negro sheep!
Latin: The sky is getting niger.

by studage August 19, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A racial slur, specifically made for africans or african americans

What are you doing sipping my healthy water in this rich country you nigger.

by 08t1erop9egdt89w1edr291d July 20, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word you cannot use

cuz nigger is a slur

by Fuck_Trump December 27, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


what you are, yes, you are it! and im 100% sure because i see ur camera :)

owner of urban: hey, the reader is a nigger, omg lol
reader: NOOO I am a nigger now

by Deleted User 8c0qdeil February 1, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž