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A slang word for friend commonly used by Aussies (Australians)
Poms (British people)
Kiwis (New Zealanders)

Aussie: how are ya mate/good on ya mate/g'day mate
Pom: you right mate (cockney way of saying hello)
Kiwi: aw fuckin 'ell mate

by Aussie_m8 September 10, 2015


british guy

mate am British guy yay

by hahahahahahregsrvwrtvhw64rt November 5, 2022


Best nigga around. Someone who will break into your house, have consensual sex with your girlfriend and beat you on fifa. He probably haves brown hair and brown eyes, has an enourmeus cock too. Second name "Chad" because why not. He can go suddenly missing from life for 2 months and rarely comes to school. Out of control

when comes in contact with alcohol. Lost brother from Chunk Norris.

1. Damn nigga you must be Mate. Never seen so many women around one guy.

2. What the fuck is this? Think I have a Mate in my house.

3. Don't drink bro, you will end up like Mate.

by fellowsalad91 November 21, 2021


momo seller alike guy who is a Naruto ka choda. His hobby is to fucking repost worst insta and yt videos/reels Bitch pls stop u ain't any funny or cool by posting those unfunny "memes"

Mates stop ffs

by PseudoFemine March 31, 2022


two fat girls who are at wendy's 24/7

person: who are those two ugly girls
person#2: oh there just the mates

by tae_taes_bae March 4, 2019


A person who invites the recipient to their after party if they ask

Man 1: "Hey any chance I could come to your afters"
Man 2: "No, sorry mate numbers are over the limit"

by Sorry, dont worry about it September 18, 2018


Mates is really funny guy. He can also be pretty flirty, but only when his homies aren't looking.

Omg, look! Is that Mates? He is super freaky.

by itsnotmepls December 4, 2020