Sussy = Sus
Baka = Idiot,Fool,Stupid.
Sussy Baka = Sussy Idiot, Sussy Fool or Sussy Stupid whoever
Also meaning sus.
Dude stop being such stupid sussy Baka!
Sussy Baka is something to say to somebody when there just about to cry or die. Whenever somebody is in a hospital bed or anything like that and there saying there final word feel free to call the a Sussy Baka.
Dad: Son Please, listen to me. I’m dying and I want to tell you something.
You: Oh Dad!
Dad: What?
You: Your such a S U S S Y B A K A
Dad: …
Dad: What is a Sussy Baka.
Son: It’s an slang to say to somebody who’s dying.
Dad: I’m gonna fucking disow-
A sussy baka is an individual personal being that is weird or in other words sussy
A Sussy Baka is a person who happens to be sussy, and a Baka, which means idiot. Yeah that's it
Walt is a Sussy Baka.
"when someone say this to you it means you are an sussy fool you might be one cuz u sus u gotta get out of here sussy baka"
"red is such a sussy baka"
"your such a sussy baka"
Suspicious baka, very sussy
“Man that Moe Lester is such a sussy baka
sussy Baka is what u say to white people who play Fortnite and don't touch grass
"you suck penis and play Fortnite"
"yes I'm a sussy baka"