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AKA, the Artist formally known as Thomas. He is witty and always has a SOTW joke up his sleeve.

That Drew is a hoot!

by nothingbutthetruth9609 May 13, 2019


stupid but is so funny and kind so it makes up for it. uses a lotta random catchphrases and doesn’t know how to play it cool in awkward situations. athletic, blond, brown eyes. says he doesn’t dye his hair but def does!

drew is cool

by hahajwjwjaj September 27, 2021



Is that drew? He’s gai

by NotMeWasTaKen September 10, 2020


Drew is a great example of the man your mother wants you to be. He is a athletic and handsome guy. But has a craving for flavoured air. He is a great significant other and treats you like royalty. His penis is massive for his age

Anyone: Drew is so nice , I wish i was like him

Anyone: same

by Ball licker 0000 May 27, 2023


Drew is a great example of the man your mother wants you to be. He is a athletic and handsome guy. But has a craving for flavoured air. He is a great significant other and treats you like royalty. His penis is massive for his age

Anyone: Drew is so nice , I wish i was like him

Anyone: same

by Ball licker 0000 May 27, 2023


Drew can be used for any gender. Drew’s can either be sweet and wonderful or mean and the worst person. Drew’s love indie music and are very musically talented.

Also the are probably lgbtq+

Friend-is that DREW
Drew’s partner- oh yea aren’t they amazing :))

by imgayerthanyou October 3, 2020


A total dick that has no friends and thinks he's the shit

I saw a DREW at camp.

by Bra_Slay March 15, 2023