A drive in which a depressed person usually a doomer drives before committing suicide. While on the drive the person will play an assortment of doomer music playlists and will ultimately commit suicide at a later point not while driving. The drive will always take place at night as to fit the lifestyle of the doomer.
"Thanks man I'm going to put this in my last drive playlist"
"Time for the last drive its been a good one"
The process of visiting a slack channel, asking a question, and never been seen again.
Don't bother answering that question, he is just drive by slacking.
Like a drive by but instead of being a pussy and dodging Dillon Danis, you stay to back the beef.
You poosay
Jake Paul would never have the balls to do a drive stay
Term/Euphemism for driving without legal documentation/papers.
"Man, do you know that 16 year old that lives on our street? He keeps Mexican Driving. I hope he doesn't get caught."
This is what a sad drive looks like- >D:/memes/we_are_number_one/ameno_remix
when you send a instant message and leave before the reply...
Jeff: Sup
Me: nm chilling
Jeff <AUTO-REPLY> : brb, ran up to 3rd floor quick...
Me: ARRR!!!
Me: whats with this drive by IM'ing?
driving to a familiar location while thinking about something else without realizing you are driving to the wrong location.
I was so busy thinking about what I was going to do today, on the way to work I realized that I was phantom driving to the grocery store instead.